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Expertise to unlock more potential

Rethinking workflows to improve performance and efficiency.

SWOZI undertakes engineering consultancy and projects where our core competency contributes to the success of external companies. Our focus here is on workflow optimisation for tasks where machine control can be involved.


Core Competencies

SWOZI brings broad experience and expertise in several core competency areas, but predominantly in and around positioning and machine control.

User Interface​

Usability of complex machines in a simple and intuitive way is highly important and challenging for many applications. SWOZI has a track record of achieving this difficult task based on embedded platforms as well as consumer tablets.

Positioning & Control​

Accurate positioning is key to any machine control application. At SWOZI we have expertise in various types of positioning that can be tailored to the specific application. From relative to absolute positioning down to the mm level is all within the remit of SWOZI, GNSS, Laser Tracker (TPS), IMU and Sensor Fusion.

See and Avoid

For autonomous applications several layers of safety are possible and often required. SWOZI has experience with most, specifically See and Avoid. Utilizing various technologies such as LiDAR, SWOZI has implemented and deployed the technology needed to bring platforms to an autonomous level.


Custom electronics and firmware are regularly part of the solution for specific projects. SWOZI develops custom electronics for specific products as part of the overall productization process of a project. This covers development or bringing together communications, sensors, safety systems, hydraulic valve and motor control to name just a few areas of our electronics design experience.

Mechanical Design​

The mechanical design aspect of a project plays an integral part of the overall solution and SWOZI has experience in this area. Custom mechanical designs feature prominently on the SWOZI branded products as well as in the custom projects we have undertaken.​

Customer Projects

Simplistic Lines

Development of a highly efficient GPS powered field striping solution.

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Yellow dot solar

Solution for planing a soloar park in Australia.

Fraport autonomous mower

Solution to autonomously mow safely on an airport.

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